Wednesday, November 7, 2018


藏在升旗山半山的檳光學院,英文名稱  Hillview Institute  是一間提供華文教學和承傳中華文化的 私立高等學府;  然而却和以下三個華裔名人有特殊淵源。

The “Bin Guang Xue Yuan / 檳光學院 “which was hidden in the mid-level of Penang Hill was named “Hillview Institute“ in English .It was a private higher education institute / college that provided Chinese teaching and inherited Chinese culture. Three great persons were involved in the history of the college.
第一位是在華人社會中有聲望和擁有這片土地所有權的地主:已故 王景成老先生。(註 1

The first person was the landlord who has prestige in the Chinese community of Penang and ownership of this land, the late Mr. Ong Keng Seng (Appendix 1)
另一位是創辦與任教於學院的已故蕭遙天老師 ; 在國際畫壇享負盛名的中國(台灣)國畫家,已故張大千居士。

Secondly is the late Master Xiao Yao Tian who founded and taught at the college and the Chinese (Taiwan) world famous Chinese painting artist, Master Zhang Da Qian.
據王老的內孫女王潔敏女士告知,租借給蕭老師做學院的這所花園別墅, 有個英文雅號,    Green House   ,是為王老家族成員提供一個山間休閑的好去處。

According to Mdm Ong Keat Bin, the granddaughter of the late Mr Ong Keng Seng, the garden villa that was rented to Master Xiao as college  had an English name,  called  “ Green House “, of which it was a good place for the Ong’s family members to relax and enjoy their leisure time on the Penang Hill.  
佔地面積不算小的學院,開辦幾年後,在馬來西亞華文教育政策的演變和 學生(泰國)來源減少的影響下,不得關閉了。

After a few years of operation, the college was forced to close. The reason was due to the change of Chinese education policy in Malaysia and the decline in the intake of students (majority from Thailand).

自此, 依山地斜坡,上下前後而建的兩棟有開敞外廊的獨立木質建筑物, 因荒廢許久,左右數間廂房,已經倒塌了。這兩棟建筑物的部分結構和屋頂,甚至有崩塌的危險。

Since then, the two independent wooden bungalows built according to the hill slopes have been abandoned for a long time, several rooms have been collapsed. 
難得王老的孫輩,曉理懂感恩, 為追思祖父功績,傳承祖父偉業,承諾讓殘存的這兩三棟    Green House  ,保持原貌。現正策劃把它稍微加以休葺,    禪中心  /   Penang Passaddhi Retreat and Meditation Centre  ” 。

It turns out that the grandchildren of the late Mr Ong have an attitude of gratitude.  In order to reminisce on her grandfather’s achievements,   she promised to let the two remaining bungalows  of  Green House  remain intact. Currently renovation is in progress in converting the bungalow to a Buddhish meditation retreat as named “Penang Passaddhi Retreat and Meditation Centre “.
愿 潔敏與夫婿張炳仁在王家成員和有心人士共同努力下,完成這項任務。
王景成先生逝世,蕭遙天老師發文悼念 (附圖 ),展示兩人深厚的賓主情誼, 也表揚王老的熱心,厚道人品。

May I wish Keat Bin and her husband Mr Cheong Peng Yan with the joint efforts of the members of Ong’s family and those who are interested and helpful will accomplish this task as scheduled.
In deep grief, Master Xiao Yao Tian wrote a mourning to show the deep friendship between both of them and praised the late Mr Ong’s enthusiasm and kindness. (Refer to attachment)
請參閱以下博文和照片,對    Green House     將出現的景象 和已故王景成老先生的生平事跡,作了很詳細的報道。

Please refer to the following blog post and photos for detailed information on the future scenes that will appear in the “Green House “and a brief description of the late Mr Ong Keng Seng.
60年代期間的國畫大師張大千,無人不知,無人不曉。能獲得張大千為 " 檳光學院 " 題字,可見蕭張兩老之間的交情不一般啊!

Most people / hikers walked through this bungalow will not be aware of the treasures left on the wall. 
Generally known to the public, to request a famous artist to write a high quality Chinese calligraphy for shopfronts or signage is high in price, it costs hundreds to thousands of dollars.
During the 1960s, everybody knew about the Chinese Painting artist, Zhang Da Qian.  From the signage  of the college with Zhang Da Qian’s inscription, one can see how good their friendships are.
蕭老師的文獻  [  草木寄情說大千- 南遊寫憶之一曰:張氏在檳城時節,偶患微疴,故較長的日子留在升旗山客寓中休養  ]  (摘自教與學月刊第六卷第四期)。

根據遊記記載推論,張大千就是住在     Green House   ,在蕭老師陪伴下,遊盡星馬名山勝水, 就這樣結下兩人真誠深厚的情誼。

Master Xiao’s literature [Da Qian Memories of South Tour] noted: During Zhang stay in Penang, he was occasionally suffering from a slight sickness. So most of the time he was staying in the guest house,   ” Green House  on Penang Hill to restore his health.  (Excerpt from the monthly Teaching and Learning magazine, Volume VI, Issue 4).

Learned from the text, Master Zhang was stayed in the “ Green House “ and being accompanied by Master Xiao,  visiting  various places with stunning mountain and sea views all round Malaysia and Singapore. From here they established a sincere and profound friendship.
張大千的落款,“  蜀人張大千爰  
銅板敲打焊接的字塊,“ 檳光學院  ”  排字的順序,按照漢字傳統右至左橫排。 張大千的落款,“  蜀人張大千爰  ”,自上而下, 豎排成行。
雖然歷經數十年的日雨淋,大部分字塊皆堅牢不動, 惟掉失了豎排的一塊  “大”  字, “ 檳院 ”   二字殘缺不完整,毀損程度不大。 即使遠望,也能清楚辨識    檳光學院   ” 四個大字。
只要將鉤住的乾草清除掉, 再擦淨沾在字面上的銅鏽,這套檳城唯一的張大千墨寶, 將重顯漢字的書法美感。

Cut and bent copper metal on Chinese character blocks of the “Bin Guang Xue Yuan “were arranged in a right-to-left direction according to traditional Chinese character order. The signature of Zhang Da Qian was arranged from top to bottom in vertical line.  

Although after decades of sun’s radiation and pouring rain, most of the letter blocks are firmly fixed on wall.  There are a missing of the vertical letter block, “大  “and a minor deficiency of horizontal word “, “but the disfigurement is not serious. The Chinese characters, “Bin Guang Xue Yuan “can clearly be seen from a distance.
Once the dry grass and the rust on the surface of the letter blocks were removed, the Chinese calligraphy will emerge its traditional arts and beauty with shining and extraordinary splendor. 


A shock bringing imagination back to the schooling time, we turned into a student, sitting on a separate wooden desk and chair made half a century ago, listening to the teaching of Master Xiao. 

(註 1  / Appendix 1)
已故王景成老先生  1898 ~ 1963  ), 原籍福建同安,出生於檳城。
王老幼曾受教育於孔聖廟中華中學。長入商界,先為樹膠上, 創辦大同樹膠公司。旋營電影業,將邱善佑所建的善佑戲院,改名為大華戲院。
平時恬靜寡言,待人以誠,樂善好施,熱心公益, 尤致力於華文教育與提倡體育。

The late Mr. Ong Keng Seng (1898 ~ 1963) was born in Penang on 1898 and died in 1963, a Chinese of origin from Fijian Province Tong An District , 
In Malaysia, especially in the Chinese community of Penang, he was well-known for good reputation and big businesses.
At early stage, he received Chinese education at Penang Chung Hwa Confucian School.
Growing into the business world, he founded Datong Rubber Company.  In the film and cinema industry, he took over the ownership of Xian You Theatre and renamed as The Majestic Theatre. He was a smarter person who talked less, always treated people with sincerity, kind and helpful.
He was enthusiastic about public welfare, especially devoted to Chinese education and sports activities. Several fundraising for charity and non-profit organizations in Penang were greatly depended on the kind efforts of the late Mr Ong Keng Seng.

第二次世界大戰結束後, 因在日佔馬來亞時期, 以籌款賑災有功,榮膺中國抗日戰爭勝利勛章。也受委任为马来亚华侨国大代表侨务委员。
兼连续数十年出任中国国民党三大外围机构:槟城阅报社,钟灵学校纪念孙中山活动, 和光华日报董事部正主席。

After the end of the 2nd World War, he was awarded with the medal of victory in the Chinese Anti-Japanese War for his efforts in fundraising and disaster relief during the Japanese occupation of Malaya.
He was also appointed as a member of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee of Overseas Chinese National Congress of Malaya.
He has served as the three peripheral institutions of the Chinese Nationalist Party for several decades: Chairman of Sun Yat Sen Museum Penang, Chung Ling School to commemorate Sun Yat-Sen activities and Kwong Wah Yit Poh Press.
In order to serve the society, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Governor of Penang have conferred him with highest titles in recognition of his contributions to the country and society.

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