Friday, February 14, 2020

1867年檳榔嶼大暴動 / Penang Riots

1. 565012-1446715684.jpg Group portrait taken during the Penang Riots 1867
移民的華人無論到什麽地方, 除了故鄉神,還會把私會黨也帶去。

1854, 兩個不同組織的私會黨在檳榔嶼成立。他們是義興與和成( 屬於中國的三合會/洪盟會), 及海山與大伯公會, 彼此性質略有不同。

大伯公會是取名於建德, 建福與福建者。那時的馬來人已被允許參加為會員。那些屬於白棋會的, 便參加義興; 屬於紅旗會的馬來人和印度人組織, 則參加大伯公會聯合。

2. 565010-1446715657.jpg  Group portrait taken on Beach Street during the Penang Riots 1867
王賡武博士著述的《 南洋華人簡史 第五章 :一八四二至一九一一年的南洋華人 ,第113114頁記載:

1850前,當時華人大量往霹靂州北部拉律 ( Larut ) 地區開礦。 拉律原是霹靂河流域外一塊沼澤與人烟稀少的地區。

有稱為 Che Long Jafar 的馬來人, 在太平不遠地點( 1)發現了豐富的錫苗, 於是鼓勵檳榔嶼的華人前往開采。。。。。。。。。

華人入拉律, 也帶來了兩個最凶猛的敵對黑幫社會 - 義興, 海山。前者的黨徒大部分為廣府人, 後者是客家人。 當初各在該地區不同部分發展( 2), 不過到了1862年,終於發生衝突而引致打鬥。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。


1865年, 義興曾在檳榔嶼的日落洞焚燒海山黨員的幾家房屋, 但直到1867年, 雙方才展開大規模的械鬥,拼個死活。

3. 560990-1444737254.jpg Group portrait on Beach Street during Penang Riots 1867

摘自張少寬名作《 檳榔嶼華人史話 》第113頁 巫裔獻地華裔建開山王廟一段有趣的傳說。

1867年的檳城大暴動,據說大伯公會的建德堂在日落洞有一個毫無防範的據點, 某日正遭受義興的支持者, 從海上登陸牛汝莪, 準備進行侵占。

此一侵占如果得逞,相信人命的損失將不可估計,真是險過剃頭 這時, 開山王突然降乩示警,指出本村有大難臨頭。村民於是匆忙戒備, 全副武裝積極迎敵, 因此得以逃過劫數。


4. 560992-1444737281.jpg Group portrait taken during the Penang Riots 1867

以下是當年檳榔嶼的副總督安順爵士,Lieut Governor Sir A.E.Anson, 在其作《 About Others and Myself Chapter XIII - Appointment at Penang 的第278頁,對這次由細故而引起的暴動描述。 他説 :

7月初,一個大伯公會華人黨員,在一個馬來白棋黨員(義興)的屋子,從籬笆外向屋内窺視被發現,屋内的馬來人(義興)則以紅毛丹果皮擲向他, 逐着喊叫他做小偷。

那個華人被駡走開了, 過後偕同十二個大伯公會黨員回來。

屋内馬來人(義興)的朋友, 亦結集出來, 雙方就用石塊及木棍展開激鬥了。

馬來人(義興)將大伯公會華人黨員驅離至遠離他們的公司/會所, 同時在擲投石塊時,擊中大伯公會的招牌,致使大伯公會黨員震怒起來,結集大批支持人出動, 並使用火器對敵 !  

警察進而干涉,無法控制這幫打手,完全制止糾紛; 雙方仍然進行頻繁的襲擊和謀殺。


毫無疑問,這時無事生非,致使這場衝突火上添油地變得異常激烈。83日大伯公會攻擊的義興, 引發了這場 1867年檳榔嶼喬治市最大械鬥事件。 。。。。。。。。。。。

5. 565011-1446715671.jpg Captain Bedingfield and men on HMS Wasp posed on Beach Street 

during the Penang Riots 1867

副總督安順爵士Sir A.E.AnsonAbout Others and Myself 》書中第280 頁提到:

在暴亂時期的一切後果,不管是死傷,失蹤或被政府拘捕 大伯公會公司均會協助或負責賠償他的黨員。因爲諸如大伯公會檳城領袖建德堂的邱天德,海山領袖鄭景貴,和城中一些有錢的商店老闆和黑市軍火商,財雄勢大,這也就是爲什麽大伯公會黨員,在大械鬥中能使用很多火器的原因。

因爲住在升旗山政府樓房,副總督安順爵士向山下俯視時, 見一小隊大伯公黨員, 向平原地帶走去,放火焚燒義興的草舍。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
6. 560991-1444737267.jpg Group portrait on Beach Street during Penang Riots 1867
巴素博士所著《 馬來亞華僑史 》第八章 馬來亞華僑私會黨 116頁:

18677月, 三合(義興)與督公(大伯公會 )發生毆鬥, 經過數次小衝突之後, 便展開十日大械鬥。 從83日至14日), 使全市陷於停頓, 雙方均獲得威斯省及琴錫蘭 ( Junk Ceylon - Phuket)方面非華裔黨員的增援。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

7. 560994-1444737310.jpg Barricades during the Penang Riots 1867
這些暴動蔓延檳榔嶼喬治市全市及威省廣區域, 牽涉及約30000華人及4000馬來人, 。

最後,總督 Sir A.E.Anson 從新加坡帶進了 Sepoys (印度軍隊),再勸告兩幫領袖停止暴動,才平息了這場戰鬥。

但到那時,四,五百人被殺,千多間房屋被燒毀。雙方自願繳付5000元( 約等於當年的1060英鎊 )的罰款,資助興建四所警察局以應付日後之需。

8. 565013-1446715698.jpg Street scene during the Penang Riots 1867

巴素博士記述義興擁有2500026000個黨員, 其中14000人居於威省,( 檳屬馬來人多數為巫印血統, 亦有少數孟加血統混合, 故有 Jawi Pekans 之稱 ),義興大阿哥仍是霹靂的陳亞炎,檳城大哥是李遇賢 。

9. 565014-1446715711.jpg Street scene during the Penang Riots 1867

大伯公會黨員多數為閩人,擁有65007500。以一對四的實力,閩派大伯公竟然在此役占上風 !

這場暴動使大部分檳榔嶼之地被福建人及峇峇占據了, 許多客粵廣東人唯有南下怡保和吉隆坡定居。

暴動事件引起英殖民地政府立定(一)1867年治安法令, (二) 設立一個委員會調查私會黨問題及取締私會黨議案。
10. 560993-1444737295 Kapitan Keling Mosque during the Penang Riots 1867

(注 1)在 Klian Pauh ( 今日太平監獄地位 )

(注 2)海山黨首領鄭景貴控制了Klian Pauh  ( 今日太平監獄地位 ), 而義興黨首領蘇亞昌則控制 Klian  Bharu ( 即今日的Kamunting ) 。

1.  武博士英文撰述 / 張奕善譯 南洋華人簡史/ A Short history of the Nanyang chinese 196903.10年臺北水牛出版社
2.  張少寬著作 檳榔嶼華人史話 燧人氏事業有限公司20029月初版
    3.  Sir Archibald Edward Anson About Others and Myself 1920 年 倫敦John Murray 書局出版 
    4. 巴素博士Victor Purcell英文著作  The Chinese in Malaya 劉前度譯  馬來亞華僑史 1950.12.20光華日報有限公司出版。 
    5. Photo extracted from Kristen Feilberg’s album

Photo extracted from Kristen Feilberg’s album

1. 565012-1446715684.jpg

Group portrait taken during the Penang Riots 1867

Photograph of a group of men standing behind a barricade constructed of logs. The photograph was taken during the 1867 Penang Riots. The men are primarily European. A selection of men hold weapons, like guns or sabres. There are two grouping of rifles, placed together to form a tripod. There is a cannon at the centre of the barricade.
During the 1867 riots, a number of European residents in Penang assisted the police.


2. 565010-1446715657.jpg

Group portrait taken on Beach Street during the Penang Riots 1867

Photograph of a group of men standing behind a barricade on Beach Street, George Town, Malaysia. The photograph was taken during the 1867 Penang Riots. The men are primarily European and hold rifles. Three local men stand on the far right.
During the 1867 riots, a number of European residents in Penang assisted the police. This photograph is of the road block established on Beach Street by armed merchant volunteers. The road block, or barricade, was intended to protect the business district.

3. 560990-1444737254.jpg

Group portrait on Beach Street during Penang Riots 1867

Photograph of European men manning a barricade on Beach Street, George Town, Malaysia during the Penang Riots. The men are armed with rifles and stand behind the barricade. The majority of men wear dark colour shirts, light colour trousers and plinth helmets.
During the 1867 riots, a number of European residents of Penang assisted the police. This photograph is of the road block established on Beach Street by armed merchant volunteers. The road block, or barricade, was intended to protect the business district.

4. 560992-1444737281.jpg

Group portrait taken during the Penang Riots 1867

Photograph of a group of men standing behind a barricade constructed of logs. The photograph was taken during the 1867 Penang Riots. The men are primarily European and hold rifles. Two local men stand either side of the larger group, facing inwards. There is a cannon at the centre of the barricade.
During the 1867 riots, a number of European residents in Penang assisted the police.

5. 565011-1446715671.jpg

Captain Bedingfield and men on HMS Wasp posed on Beach Street during the Penang Riots 1867

Photograph of a group portrait of Captain Norman B. Bedingfield and the crew of HMS Wasp standing on Beach Street, George Town, Malaysia. The men stand in a line and face the camera. Beside the man on the far left, each man wears a naval uniform and holds a rifle. The man on the far left, assumed to be Captain Bedingfield wears light colour trousers, a dark colour jacket and a dark colour cap. There is a cannon at the centre of the barricade.
During the 1867 riots, a number of European residents in Penang assisted the police. This photograph is of the road block established on Beach Street by armed merchant volunteers. The road block, or barricade, was intended to protect the business district.
6. 560991-1444737267.jpg
Group portrait on Beach Street during Penang Riots 1867
Photograph of a group of men standing on Beach Street, George Town, Malaysia, taken during the Penang riots. The men stand behind a barricade. The majority of the group hold guns and wear hats or plinth helmets. Included in the group are three Swiss Germans who acted as volunteer police during the riots. They are, G. Näf (third from left), Adolf Sturzeregger (fifth from left) and C. G. Wiget (fifth from right).
During the 1867 riots, a number of European residents in Penang assisted the police. This photograph is of the road block established on Beach Street by armed merchant volunteers. The road block, or barricade, was intended to protect the business district.
7. 560994-1444737310.jpg

Barricades during the Penang Riots 1867

Photograph of two buildings linked together by a barricade made of wooden fences and carts. A soldier stands at the centre of the photograph, his back facing the camera. The photograph was taken in Penang, Malaysia during the 1867 Penang Riots.


8. 565013-1446715698.jpg

Street scene during the Penang Riots 1867

Photograph of a group of men standing behind a barricade constructed of logs. The photograph was taken during the 1867 Penang Riots. The men comprise of local soldiers and European and local residents. There is a cannon at the centre of the barricade.
During the 1867 riots, a number of European residents in Penang assisted the police.

9. 565014-1446715711.jpg

Street scene during the Penang Riots 1867

Photograph of a street in Penang, Malaysia taken during the Penang riots. In the foreground, on the left a group of soldiers face the camera front on. In the middle ground two groups of soldiers stand around a cannon. Local people stand beside the soldiers, and face the camera.

10. 560993-1444737295
Kapitan Keling Mosque during the Penang Riots 1867
Photograph of a view of the Kapitan Keling Mosque in Penang, Malaysia during the 1867 Penang Riots. There appears to be debris from a building in the foreground on the left. Two men stand in the foreground on the right, beside thatched buildings.

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