好些往事, 虽已成为过去, 现在从中感悟到如此纯挚的同窗友情。
愿大家的祝福涌向您, 真挚的问候传给您;
在此 衷心祝愿您早日康复。
Fm Boo Hock 2007.11.16
As requested by our Soon Fong Lee 9844, I'm circulating his thoughts to you:
Boo Hock,
I am sick with lung problems, may not be able to attend 1/12/07 function.
Foward here with a short note of my thoughts for the 40th CLOB 65/67 reunion.
Please circulate to our classmates. Thank you.
时间过得好快 ,40 个 年头 以已经从你我手中溜之大吉 .
如今你我都满头白 髮或是没有黑发或白发的秃头 ; 也有大小不一 的地中还秃 头(BOTAK).
这几年来 ,这些年来 ,大大家各自为了生活 ,前途 , 理想, 志愿, 而劳碌奔波, 忙忙碌碌 .
曾 有几回可以回顾 ,过 ,回首过 , 或有在梦中重返那中学时期的欢乐 , 无忧无虑 的日子?
这 40 年来的日子中 ;由于你的努力奋斗 ,际遇 ,运气, 选择 . 抱负, 立场;
你已 是成功的学者
你已是成功, 富有的商人
你已是成功的政治 家
你已贡献了一生于教育工作 ,
或许你还在 为了生活付出,
还有许多已退休了的 ,正享受着清闲 ,悠闲的退休生活 .
有些是有功于社会而被封为拿督 , 有些则是被孙子封为 '拿督 ' 了的.
我们都不在乎 ,因为你是我的同学 .我们曾经一起学习 ,一起抢买食堂的炒大板 ,一起打球 , 捣乱 ,做白日梦 , 理想, 幻想越野赛跑, 爬山, 摄影, 考试 , 互相抄袭对方的数学及英文功课 .
种种的的回忆 ...都是在四十年前我们一起渡过的中学生涯 .
在这四十年的旅途中 ,你曾经历人生的酸 ,甜 ,苦 ,辣 ,生 , 老, 病 , 或那人已不在的--- 死 .
茫茫人海中 ,你我却相遇并共同渡过那一段中学生涯 , 那是缘 . 不管如今的你是如何 ,你还是黑牛 , 薄饼 ,大肥, 暗牌(CID), 陆姑, 小黑......., 这些年来, 咱们聚散,聚散 , 又是聚散 ,有心中的祝福 , 聚也无常, 散也无常.
愿我们常康健 , 快乐 ,无忧 , 愿风起时 ,散了的浮萍又再聚 .
散聚 ,散聚 .
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
转弯的时候, 突然冒出一台慢吞吞行驶的拖拉机,拉着载满香蕉的货箱。
一时兴起, 跟在拖拉机后面,由大道开进到香蕉园。
那知这一条羊肠小道, 只见前面长长直直, 伸往香蕉园的方向。
唯有跟着停一停,然后, 又继续行程,不敢回想白花了多少时间,才直到司机家。
哈哈!房前屋后, 无论走到哪里, 都可以看到, 香蕉堆积如山。
Sunday, November 18, 2007
湖内私人淡水游泳池 Relau Private Swimming Pool
Every time going for a morning walk in Metropolitan Park, Relau, to take a breath of natural fragrance from plants and the morning fresh air and to view the beauty of the park, it is sad to see a nearby Western classical-style bungalow in the almost lonely left desolate and laid in the ruins.每回在湖内公园(Metropolitan Park, Relau)做早晨散步,吸着植物的芬芳和清新的空气,观赏着公园的美景,公园的景色真美丽呀。 然而对以附近的一栋西洋古典式的房子,在另一个荒凉的废墟中,留下残垣与碎片,真令人十分惋惜和感慨。


This Western art style building was left by the late Kapitan Chinese Chung Tai-ping and was said to be the first and most expensive private freshwater swimming pool in Penang at that time. The building was a rectangular structure of surrounding rooms with open-air freshwater swimming pool in the centre. The surrounding corridor was supported by Corinthian columns of which the caps and bases of the columns were richly ornamented to look elegant and solemn.
这栋由甲必丹郑太平(注)遗留下来拥有西洋艺术风格建筑物,是当年敢称槟城第一和最昂贵的私人淡水游泳池。 长方形的房子,四面各建房间,中间为露天淡水游泳池。 另采用科林斯式 (Corinthian)巨式圆柱为外廊,柱頭有雕飾,柱底有柱座,形成庄重,大方之感。
Various rooms for massage, alcoholic drinks and cigarette or tobacco smoke were surrounding the swimming pool. By giving his hospitality to all his business and political friends with entertainment coverage from drinks to songs, Chung Taiping could be said to enjoy himself a high position and great wealth in life.开放式的客房,按摩建身室,烟酒歌厅,围绕着泳池。 郑太平生前在此招待政界商贾、讲究排场,生活多姿多采,歌酒欢乐,弦音不辍,可说享尽荣华富贵于一生。
Not far from away the big house, there was a bridge across the river whereby located a small hut built in styles of traditional Chinese architecture, a place for smoking opium. By relaxing and enjoying tea, smoking opium, and listening to the sound of the stream, Chung Taiping really knew how to enjoy a life
离大屋不远,一条小河上建有一座过桥。 向河对岸望去,隔河又建了一栋中国传统小楼,是华贵的鸦片烟房。 在原始森林之处休息,喝茶,吞烟吐气,听着河渠流水的清脆响声,郑太平真是一個懂得享受人生的甲必丹。
The photos were taken in two separate periods. The first part was taken in this year while the second part was taken some years ago. The building was rich in precious historical background and architectural styles. It was a witness to the rise and fall of evolution of the owner and also a proud of the cultural heritage of the people of Penang. Taking this opportunity to preserve only those memories, I hope it can avoid the fate of destroyed or dismantled.照片拍于两个年代,前半部是今年,后前半部该有数十年历史了。这栋建筑物富含珍贵的历史背景与丰富的建筑风格,是主人家道兴衰演变的见证者,也是槟城人民引以为荣的文化遗产。 藉此机会,只将这些记忆保留下来,但愿它能逃过折毁的命运。
(Note) Chung Taiping (1879 -1935), with an English education and the most modernist Chinese tin miner was the last Chinese to be conferred a Kapitan. Chung Taiping was the prominent son among the nine sons in the fourth of Kapitan Chung Keng Kwee(注)郑太平(1879 -1935),受过英文教育和最先进的华人矿家,也是最后一位受封为吡叻华人的甲必丹。 郑太平是郑景贵9名儿子中较为突出之第四儿子者。
Monday, November 5, 2007
追思日 All Souls Day – 億亡妹
多數人仍堅信, 亡靈在墳墓中居住,所有宗教都有設定的日子和禮儀來紀念死者。
每年的陽曆11月2日, 追思日(All Souls Day),大姐和我慣列帶幾束鮮花上西方路(Western
Road)基督教墳場, 為亡妹掃墓。

妹妹,你才21歲, 正值青春大好年華。
也沒有染上不良行為, 卻被癌魔(Haemangioma-pericytoma)吞噬了你年輕的生命。
無意間, 發現你腳板底有一硬塊, 初步診斷是屬於生理性良性腫瘤。
與癌魔爭斗兩年,晚期對奇跡出現的希望,雖然不樂觀; 你還是保持堅強的意志和樂觀的人生態度生活著。
There's a land
that is fairer than day,
And by faith we
can see it afar;
For the Father
waits over the way
To prepare us a
dwelling place there.
In the
sweet, bye and bye,
We shall meet on
that beautiful shore;
In the
sweet, bye and bye,
We shall meet on
that beautiful shore.
We shall sing on
that beautiful shore.
The melodious
songs of the blessed;
And our spirits
shall sorrow no more,
Not a sigh for
the blessing of rest.
In the
sweet, bye and bye,
We shall meet on
that beautiful shore;
In the sweet, bye
and bye,
We shall meet on
that beautiful shore.
To our bountiful
Father above,
We will offer our
tribute of praise.
For the glorious
gift of His love.
And the blessings
that hallow our days.
In the
sweet, bye and bye,
We shall meet on
that beautiful shore;
In the
sweet, bye and bye,
We shall meet on
that beautiful shore.

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