Monday, September 23, 2013

遲發的訃告 - 林錦碹老師

事不湊巧也隨雙,前幾天在外沒有看光華日報, 也沒查閱郵箱,逐遺憾不知小學林錦碹老師往生了, 否則將會去送她最后一程。

回憶我們小學的啟蒙老師, 不單是教書,還教好學生做人,這些老師一句話,都讓我們一生受用不盡,我還保存當年老師的贈言(注1

此把王和興學長的電郵錄下留存, 以致紀念林錦碹老師的恩惠。

Hai, Li Tek Primary School classmates, the following news is for your viewing and use.

Remember in Std 5 & 6 our beloved mathematics teacher Ms Lim Gim Suan whom we liked to address "Good Morning , Teacher"    when she arrived  at the teachers' room?

Re today's Kwong Wah paper she passed away on 18 Sept 2013 at the age of 83.  Her husband Mr Goh is an ex Headmaster. She has a son and two daughters, etc. The obituary appears on Section C of the paper.

Her body is laid at Mt Erskine mortuary parlour Unit F and the funeral will be on Sunday 22/9/2013 at 11.00am. 

Anyone of you in Penang or have access to Kwong Wah papers who can capture the newspaper notice and post it on line will be a good.

I paid her the last respect this afternoon and was requested by her youngest daughter Annie Goh (She looks like her mother) H/P # 012 - 4875657 - to inform as many of her ex-students as possible.  That's what this message is for you. Do circulate to other Li Tek classmates if you can. Do give her a call if you have any query or message for her.


  1. 林老师是我在丽泽63-64年的班主任。三年前还拜访过她,没想到这就走了!看了你的纪念册扫描,陈振杨和梅老师也是我们共同的老师。--蓝芸开

  2. 謝謝學長。 能讓這麼多老學生惦記,是林老師在漫長的教書育人歲月中受到的肯定褒獎。
