Monday, April 16, 2018


位於離植物園大概500米的月門,是其中一個登升旗山的入口處, 也是讓許多人追記老檳城的重要部分。



附圖  2 -   “ 沂 ” 凸字

月門上用水泥漿塗抹在牆面,臨乾時加工雕剁成凸字,寫着  “ 詠沂 ” 兩個大字。

若依據月門右牆挂着的英文建築物說明牌(附圖  3  - 英文版) 進行推斷,這裡極可能就是力鈞  Li Jun 1855-1925 ) 在《 檳榔嶼志略 》(Bin Lang Yu Zhi Lue )卷五 “ 名勝志 ” (附圖 4)中提到的百年前檳榔嶼11大園林民宅,其中之一的 “ 浴沂園 ” 遺址。

附圖  3  - 英文建築物說明牌MOON GATE


The moon gate is a heritage gateway to a 19th Century mansion – now lying in ruins situated some 15 minutes walk away. The mansion was mentioned as one of the 11 famous mansions in Penang, stated in  “ Penang Gazeteer written by visiting Chinese scholar Li Jun in 1891.

The mansions name is Yu Yi Yuan (Yu Yi Garden) which according to Bin Lang Yu Zhi Lue was located to the right of the water source (如果人面朝植物園瀑布看,來分左右方向,《 檳榔嶼志略 》第卷五  “ 名勝志 ” 記述的 “ 浴沂園  ”, 園在水源左), presumable the Waterfall reservoir. 

The Moon Gate is in resemblance to the Chinese gateway, probably built at the same time as the Yu Yi Yuan mansion in the late 19th century, at least 122 years ago. The centre wall has around shaped opening resembling a full moon, and thus it is called “moon opening gate” or moon gate in Chinese architecture.

根據檳城世德堂謝公司的記載,植物園月門是謝昌林所承建。至於 “ 浴沂園 ” 的主人,是否是謝增煜,就不得肯定了。

附圖 4 - 《 檳榔嶼志略 》卷五 “ 名勝志 ”

順附《 檳榔嶼志略 》的作者簡介: 力鈞, 字軒舉,號醫隱,1855出世 - 1925 逝世,福建省福州市永福(今永泰縣)人。考中秀才,故以教書為業, 赴京會試不第。 曾跟朱良仙醫師習醫,後期棄教從醫。機緣巧合之下,應邀赴新加坡為富商之父治病,藥到病除,獲酬頗豐,順路到馬來半島,蘇門答臘等地游覽。在檳榔嶼逗留三個月期間撰寫了《 檳榔嶼志略 》,這部十卷本的遊記,內容及史料可以說對當時的檳榔嶼做了完整的記述。

附圖 5 - Photo extracted from Mike Gibby “ PENANG HILL” -  Pg 65.
AN INTERIOR VIEW OF Cheah Chen Eok’s Moon Gate mansion.
The mansion is now heavily overgrown, but a site visit demonstrates how extensive the property was in former time.

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